
Western Totalitarian State

Heidi stood quietly in line, holding Rolf’s hand as the stormtroopers marched up and down the rows of people waiting for bread. The military police had shut down two illegal operations in the last week, people broadcasting horrid lies and bogus cries for help to the Capitalist Union. She reached the bakery’s door.

Guten Morgen.” She smiled brightly at Franz, the baker, and received her two-week ration of bread goods. The wait was short, the government had given families different days of the week by name two years ago. It was working well.

Ja, it is.” He nodded, returning her smile as he handed over the parcel. “Goodbye, Adelheid, go with glory in the Totalitarian!” She nodded and moved aside so Rolf could get his bread. The war with the Capitalist Union had intensified recently. They’d led an air strike against Berlin, and attacked using rebels in Paris. Many had died in a bombing two weeks ago, after the alliance with the Global Socialist United was signed.

Rolf took her hand. Time to go.

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