At The Top Of The World
The sun set hours ago, but it was still light, shining with the blue-white glow of the moon & the North Star, the only two objects visible behind the heavy storm clouds.
Meg sat on her usual rock, thoughtfully chewing a sandwich, while looking at the odd little rocks at her feet. Mom & Dad had left way back for another one of their crazy round-the-world things, but Meg didn’t mind. The trip cash would last her through the summer, & there was her work at the paint shop to be considered, paying an good amount each week, so she would be okay. On top of the mountain, everything was clear, & Meg’s thoughts sailed along, slow & happy. Then came the roar of a jet. Meg started. They shouldn’t be out this close to the mountain! Not with those clouds! Meg searched frantically through her pack for a GloStick, not even sure it would show through the mist. Just as her hand had grabbed ahold, the jet burst through the clouds, straight at Meg. She was almost to the cave-
The town could see the fire through the clouds.