
Good Intentions or An Emotional Response

War, what is it good for? Age old question that a valid answer has not been found yet.

Weapons of mass distruction, power against power. Is there really a winner when it is all said and done.

Power, and Authority is a responsiblity that is cold and calculated. In the wrong hands can be mean the difference between survival and anialation.

Who is truly right when decisions have to be made for war?
How much of it has human emotion in the form of hatred because of an aggressive act.

No matter how much we are sure about making correct decision we are still human with human emotions that govern 84% of how we respond to situations do not always trun out positive and or favorable.

Have you ever tryed to use sound logic and keep an open mind when you know someone has said something, done something to hurt you. Were you able to seperate that emotion from giving someone a promotion base on their ability and not their short commings.

In this day and time good intentions, will usually loose out….

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