
Time Increments Of Light (You Have Your Time Challenge)

Time a fast increment that travels the speed of light, time runs a course of seconds, minutes,hours,days,months,years.

As our life styles change so does time and distance and the completion of events that continue to walk the course of these increments.

There is twenty-four hours in a day so we think?

Spring Foward (Daylight Savings) It creates a regeneration of time because everything slows down and day light has an extra hour to suspend itself in our lives,leaving us to do a little extra for those short breif months.

Fall Back (Turning the clock forward an hour) It creates the forward movement of time that speeds up an hour and ends the day quickly, leaving you feeling like you have not had enough sleep, and or leaving things un-completed.

Time and its ability to change seasons to reflect that movement and create moments of happiness, sadness, joy, struggle, birth and or death.

Without Time life would cease to exsist and become this continuation of disorder and chaos.

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