
Take me Home Please!

Will someone give me a home?
I was found at my home where there were a lot of other dogs.
My old owner breaded lots of dogs so I met a lot of others. Some of them were hurt. It looked like they fought a lot. Some times we weren’t fed. I would cry and whine, but no dog or person seemed to care. I couldn’t find places to pee, pee and poo was everywhere. I felt so dirty and I constantly had this itch.
I remember the day these people came and saved use. I ran to them wagging my tail and all. One took me up in open arms and cradled me. They put my in some box like thing. We then got to this other room where this one person cleaned me up and got rid of that itch. I also got a lot of food do eat and I eat it so fast they gave me more!
This is my final cry. Right now I am in a cage waiting. I heard some of us get put down. I keep hoping that won’t be me. People pass by and I wag my tail and hope someone will get me. So will someone please give me a home? Please, will you?

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