
Want To Know The Truth?

Want to know the truth?

Do you really want to know?

Lets start from the beginning, shall we?

Imagine a small five year old brunette girl with tear driven eyes as her small hands sloppily wiped the tears on her face.

Now lets fast forward eight years later.

Lets use our imagination again.

Imagine a small thirteen year old girl with sultry brown eyes with tears slowly running down her face with no hope in wiping them off.

Now lets view the fake side of this little girl.

Are you ready?

Brown eyes try their best to stay bright, as a small smile takes its place pinching her cheecks to form small dimples. Her voice airy and light throws laughs here and there.

Her rather fake side doseant appear so fake, but appearence is what?

Exactly only 50% of a person.

Now lets resume to the way the brunette girl breaks down every day when no one is around.

Its not depression, no its not that.

Its being trapped.

Being trapped in life that well honestly

just isnt worth living

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