
'Normal Is So YESTERDAY!'s Time Challenge!

You want to know why people have such a hard time of coming up with the definition of “time” in the first place?

Because there isn’t one.

Cats and worms and trees and starfish don’t worry about years or hours or weeks or minutes…have you noticed that? Humans are the only ones that have watches and calendars. We came up with a sense of time (even if only vaguely defined) to further feed that sense of purpose that we all strive for. We wouldn’t be happy to just exist, without any sense of moving forward. The human race is all about progress – going further, being better, evolving. It’s just another tool to measure our accomplishments: the quickest, the fastest, the longest.

Yeah, sure, you may argue we need time to keep appointments and that sort of thing, but in case you haven’t noticed, there are quite a few societies around the world living without our rigid time structure. Although, I suppose, if purpose is one aspect that humans love, another would be precision.

Who needs time?

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