Good Luck, Daniel
“Haha,” Vicki yelled, rising from the sofa. “See? That damn thing has a mind of its own. What will you do if something like that happens when you meet your dream girl? It’s on the fritz – not even really translating now – just rambling.”
“I’ll just have to take my chances. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I’m just gonna see if she wants to grab a milkshake at Burkies. The worst she can do is say no, right?”
“We’ll see,” Vicki said, smiling and leaning back in the sofa.
“Whatever, Vick – I don’t even know her name, and I want to make my move before I lose my chance. I’ve got the advantage ‘cause she lives right next door to us too!”
“You don’t even know if it works. Shouldn’t you test it more here first? It may need a firmware update or something.”
“No time for that. I’m gonna take her for a milkshake down at Burkie’s, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Not even her big burly burgermesiter looking Dad can stop true love.”
“Good luck! You need it!”