
My Happiness (Alexis DeHeart's What is Beautiful challenge)

Its raining hard, I can hear it. I can hear the wind rustling the trees. I step outside into the night and start my walk. I can feel the rain drops, and the wind. Together they’re so refreshing, cleansing. They’re refreshing me and relieving my stress.
Smiling, I look up into the night sky. The purple clouds, rolling in, I can really see them moving. Rain falls on my face, but I keep my eyes open. It’s beautiful, oh so beautiful. All day I have been waitng for this.
Suddenly I feel the need to scream, yell, laugh, jump, dance, run around the block, sing. I think tears may be rolling down my face, mixing with the rain, but it’s hard to tell.
I have this strange feeling in my gut, and I realize, it’s happiness. For the first time in a while, I feel whole, and, happy. Not happy like, excited. But happy like, content. I don’t need to please everyone, I don’t need to be perfect. I can just accept myself. Then I can be beautiful, then I can be content, happy. Beauty isn’t perfection. Beauty is acceptance.

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