Meet our leader
We landed in the middle of Yankee Stadium, right on the baseball diamond. Ricky leaped off the dragon, turned and bowed to her.
“As always, my dear.. Thank you.”
I had noticed between heaves on the way over that the dragon was a slight pink hue, but she turned a definate red at that. I never knew a dragon could blush.
The snake and I descended from the dragon’s back and she took to the sky again and flew away.
“Ricky??”, I asked my cat questioningly.
“You think ‘Fluffy’ would have worked better?”, he replied.
Okay.. he had a point.
I looked around the stadium. Yankee Stadium was empty. Quizzically, I looked at the snake. “Don’t tell me to ‘Be the bunny’ again.”, I said.
The snake had been slithering toward second base while I said that. He looked back and grinned… Well.. at least as far as two fangs can show a grin, that is.
“Come and meet our leader.”, he said as he stuck his tail under the second base plate and lifted..