You don’t use much dialogue in your stories I’ve noticed, but it took me this long to notice! I think that means your voice is very present in your stories and dialogue isn’t really needed to make it better or different. It’s about your voice and not your character’s voices, mostly.
Mm, I’m actually trying to work on that. Especially for these tiny drabbles, I always find it hard to come up with a story and dialogue that can fit into such a tiny space. I’ve gotten into a rut of just doing small narrations/descriptions! Hopefully you’ll be seeing more dialogue in the future.
I know what you mean about cramming it all in. I too don’t use much dialogue for that reason, but sometimes I feel oddly guilty, like I’m not refining all of my creative tools, so I force in a few spoken words here or there. Of course I’m a fan of your stuff dialogue or not—so keep it up.
Tad Winslow
Tad Winslow