
Speech with the boss

“Put your head in the fish tank!!”, my cat repeated rather intensely. “The Catfish wants to speak to you!!”

I looked at the watch on my arm. It was 11:43. Thus far I had conversed with snakes, cats, and pigeons, learned that the mice in an astronomy lab knew about space, and convinced a dragon that I was a pair of bunny slippers. All this was done in order to save the world from a oatmeal cookie. I was pretty sure that was enough to get me committed to a mental ward so decided to talk with the fish. Maybe I would be lucky and drown before I had to explain to someone in charge of Yankee Stadium why I was there.

“Hello, Jocinda.”, bubbled a voice the minute the water closed over my head. “I apologize for the way your day has gone thus far but we were in a hurry and this was your only day off.”

I took my head out of the water, not sure whether a catfish having me watched closely enough to know my name and work schedule was someone.. er… thing.. I wanted to encourage through conversation.

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