Randomly Answered (to the quiz from Howhardlifeis)
Fave colors: purple, pink & black
Fave TV shows Daily Show & Colbert Report
Fave male/female celebrities are always changing
Alexa is my nickname
Before I admit to what others don’t know about me, let’s start by you saying what you do know.
I would most like to change where I live, how much I make, and how fast my Internet isn’t.
My boss and I are always IMing each other. Outside of that, I don’t IM.
I have had more crushes than I could count. Seriously. They only matter when I write them a poem.
I have said too many stupid things to rate them.
I’ve been out of grades for over ten years.
I prefer MySpace but I also have a Facebook.
This will be my 150th Ficlet. There was a 3 month lull where I couldn’t publish, even on lunch.
I’m a vegetable; I prefer to eat fruit. Was that the question?
Chocolate or vanilla? Yes.
I’d want to be loved. Sounds like a nice experience.
I have an revealing personality test but I only ask it in person.