Quiz Answers Part Deux (howhardislife's quiz)
I think its an innate human trait to say completely idiotic things. I have my share. What I hate most is when I’m in some kind of battle of wit and I say something completely irrelevant, and then later on come up with something so much better.
I’m a sophmore at the University of Montana.
I used to like Myspace, then it got overcrowded with a bunch of morons. Okay, well, more than when it started. I am quite obsessed with ficlets. I’m constantly on it. I can’t even wait in line for my soy chai without checking it.
I’ve written almost 240? It seems so insignificant to me.
I like fruit. Citrus is godlike.
Chocolate by far is super food. I have to go to the european food store constantly to buy Milka. Its heavenly.
I like loving. It feels insanely narcotic to put so much soul into something as to love a person in every concept of the word. But when you’re loving and recieving…well, that’s like a drug in itself.
I madly love taking quizzes. People say I have a knack for it.