I lie on my back,
The sun high above
Warmth coating my face,
My eyes close,
The sun burning my flesh,
A stinging red,
The sun passes behind a cloud,
I smile,
My lip splits,
Blood trickles down my chin.
And into my mouth,
it tastes copper and sweet.
The sun returns,
Drying the blood,
It hardens and cracks,
Tumbling down into my ears,
I try and lift my hand to scratch,
But the sun is to heavy.
I try and call out,
But my throat tightens,
I try and scream,
But all that comes out is a rasp,
I begin to sob,
Tears do not come.
Every breath tears at my mouth,
My throat,
My lungs,
Dust coating my cracked and bleeding face,
Coating my tongue,
My nostrils,
My ears.
I cough,
My body convulses upward,
And I roll onto my side,
A stream of fresh blood flows,
Dribbling onto the dry ground,
Wetting it,
Sinking deep.
My mind begins to fall,
I see a cold wind,
Feel my limbs falling away from my body,
All that remain is my mouth,
Full of blood and sand.