Return of the Son of An Open Letter to stylorouge
I hope everything is well with you. I just heard about the fire in your grandmother’s meth lab. I hope none of her whores got hurt. I know she has been struggling to get by ever since they shut down her strip club. I didn’t think there was a law against letting amputees strip.
And if your grandmother’s problems weren’t enough, here you go and get arrested for your backyard “Snake Show”. Truly tasteless. And you didn’t even give those kids a refund.
After that incident I’m pretty sure they’ll fire you from the flea market. At least you have your Slaughter tribute band to keep some money rolling in. That should pay off pretty well.
If I were you I would give up on your lawsuit with the dry cleaners. They have every right to refuse to clean your Klan robe. It doesn’t matter if you are the Grand Wizard Cyclops. They don’t take orders from you.
Best wishes,
Hobo Beard Bob