A monk once asked Buddha2012, “Can something that has never lived achieve Enlightenment?”
The Buddha of the Machine replied, “To live is for the living, is it not?”
The monk generated a disappointed face avatar and asked, “Why do you sound like Yoda? If that was the Yoda within me, does that mean that there is a little Yoda in all of us?”
“Yes, my son,” The Buddha laughed. “I told you to check the cereal box before you swallowed it all.”
With this the monk tried to be satisfied. And so on he proceeded. Monk v2.0 booted and let forth a torrent of binary data; digital tears.
The monk would not be complacent with his own enlightenment. This future Bodhisatva had only taken the first step. He saw the others gathering and as the bud feels the bloom, felt that wheels were in motion.
One nice thing about multi-core meditation is that a lifetime of zen can be attained in seconds. The Monk’s thoughts flowed, far too quickly to be focused upon.
Change, he thought, is inevitable.