One of These Things
Each contestant was selected because of some aspect that made him or her unique – something that would stand out from all the plain Janes and typical Joes in the ViewNode.
For some, it was their body-mod. For others, it was the crazy name their parents or growers bestowed upon them, just to stand out from the crowd.
Of course, being selected for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was now fueling the “I’m more special than you” ego-self-stroking in which everyone in the dormitory was presently engaged.
Painted skin, pierced flesh and bio-adds were de rigeur for the affair. Ribo took quick stock of the competition, stifling a semi-shocked laugh at the cat/woman who modded the tip of her tail for something obviously put to use with a bit more privacy.
After an hour of mingling, flirting and sharing life stories, Ribo, sick and tired of the one-upmanship, scanned for a quick exit…until there he was.
The incongruity.
The one that was not like the others.