

Sarah and Jamie are sitting at Ihop having lunch. They reminiss about the good times they have had here, when they were younger. With smiles spread across thier faces Each sharing a story and a memory of the place.

Sarah gets out her cell phone and calls her voice mail.

Jamie gives her a look with raised eyebrow.

“Are you doing what I think your doing?”

Sara gives a guilty smile.

Jamie rolls her eyes at her friend.

“I can’t help it I miss his voice” Sarah admits

“How many times is that today?” Jamie asks.

“Oh I don’t know I really don’t keep track” Sarah repied

Sarah puts down her phone when she finishes listening to her friends voice mails. For some unexplicable reason, she can’t help but smile. Everytime she gets a voice mail from her best friend she saves it. When she gets lonely or sad she listens to the voice mail. Somehow everything changes for a while. She gets this happy feeling come over her. Jamie has yet to meet someone that makes her this happy. And she is clueless.

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