
As I Wait(Part One)

As I sit on my front lawn, waiting for someone, anyone, to drive by, I think about how much I had screwed up in the past year, and this is the story of that year.

I was walking down to my new school, which I happen to have every 3 years. When I saw him.

Who is ‘he’? He is the answer to my prayers, the reason I’m alive, the reason I wake up every morning, the reason I was a vampire. But i didn’t know it yet. At this point, I thought vampires were pretend, made up to scare people, but did I have a surprise coming to me!

So I just casually said ‘hi’ as I walked past. He looked at me, but not in a normal way, a way that makes you stop and look back. His eyes were beautifully, stunningly green, and mine, just a normal hazel. But he stared at me for the longest time.
Now, I know it sounds normal, but what he said next changed me forever, my entire future. My whole life.

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