
The number-ism

“All of nature – mountains, rivers, trees, crystals, metals, even human beings – is nothing other than numbers incarnated” said my spiritual master one summer evening when I visited him pleading ‘please Master! Bless my Math books so the knowledge would promptly enter into my mind’. He was visibly moved with my gestures saying Math was the gateway to the city of knowledge.’ If you study this question in depth, you will find that nothing exists apart from numbers’ he continued. And then I smiled remembering my classmate from Quebec who once writing the number 1 said, ‘this is you…” then writing the same number next to it saying ‘it is me’. I didn’t understand her so she laughingly said, ‘better we make 11’ I didn’t tell it to my Master save wondering that there are whole numbers, partial numbers, real numbers, imaginary numbers…Well if we are born numbers then why would we use 1st,middle, Family names…better we use our numerical Ids this will remove discrimination of names like Mohammad, Singh, David

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