Life is...
Life is the poem you write for yourself.
And Life is the song that you sing.
You won’t know what will happen ‘till you write it down.
Life is the book that you wrote down your fears.
Your smiles, your love and your tears.
Life is the only thing that you can control,
So make it the best it can be.
Life is the diary you tell about your day.
Life is the Newspaper you read every day.
Life can be the best Cd ever listened too,
You just have to pick up the headphones.
Life is the show that you watch every wednesday.
Your the best acter that plays the best part.
Life is the website that you love best.
It has everything that you love.
Life is the beginning to the end,
Make it your own, Don’t follow any one.
Its your life, Your dreams, Your favorite part,
So make it the best it could be.