

The light blinks red.
We lose control on are way to mars.
The final thoughts run threw my mind.

How ill never be there with the one I love.
Not able to rise the child that is on the way.

The ship starts to spin faster and faster
I can feel the pain inside of me.
No fear no remorse.

I feel the time slips by me.
I can hear every bolt in ship rattle and shake everywhere.
I can taste the salt of my tears.

The last thing I did was look at the picture of my wife.

The ship spins and spins.
The ground comes closer and closer.
The red rocks the mountains every beauty a man can ever dream of to die in front of.

The ship implanted onto the ground.
Rebel hits everything in its path.
The pilot grips onto the picture as if it was there to make things right.

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