
Jackypoo and Mr. G

The salty sheets were tangled around her pale ankles and her long, blue black hair fanned out around her sleeping face like the waves crashing just outside their door.
Our door. Our house. Our life. Jack thought.
He traced her jaw and high cheeks, watching as her fingers twitched at his touch, even asleep.
Her arms were folded awkardly around her, one wrapped around her none exisistant belly. He then scratched at her nail polish, each one painted in a different color and yet each one permanently chipped.
She sniffed and scooted towards him, not quite mumbling yet.
Jack smiled stubbornly, not a religious man.
“Dear God,” he whispered. His voice rising and breaking with her breathing.
“I do believe I love her more than anything. Forever? God, are we forever? Becuase, Ashley, I would very much like to see a ring on your finger and my name sewed together with yours.”
Now Ashley did murmur and turn, colliding roughly into him. She remained asleep.
“Dear god, I need a drink.” he said and hugged her tight.

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