
She won, he left

the court case may have been rigged, but she seemed to have her way throughout the whole case.the jury agreed with her. The judge agreed with her. The bailiff agreed with her. Her friends and family agreed with her. The security guards agreed with her. All the people in the court room agreed with her. Even he, her ex-boyfriend did. He was found guilty of third degree muder of her brother. He was sentenced to forty lashes, and twenty to fifty in the clink….......Did she cry? No. No, she did not cry. She didn’t smile either. Nobody knew what she really felt about her ex-botfriend but her….....He ran. Yes, he ran out of the courthouse. He jumped in his car, drove off; practically flying at 90 miles per hour. The police went after him for days. They kept searching for him. Everyone kept searching for him.some said he drove off a cliff, and crashed into the river.Some were hopeful, saying that he may still be out there, and that he may come back…..............

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