
One, Two, Three, What?

Taylor leaned back from her desk and wiped her brow. This wasn’t happening. She looked back at the finished story in her hands and reviewed.

One, Rorgan was her half-brother and he hadn’t yet died. She had to find him to help her help the elves.

Oh yeah, two, she had to help the elves with something. Not that she knew what it was; Rorgan’s sister was very vague on that even to him.

Three, and in her opinion wierdest of all, her mom was an elf.

“Ok,” she murmered to herself, “I can do this. All I have to do is find Rorgan.” She reviewed the rest of her story and groaned:

Rorgan woke up and found himself in the ancient home of the eles: Earth. He looked around and didn’t understand where he was. It was big and full of people with a lot of wide doorways and benches with tall things next to them that had a picture of something that said ‘Pepsi’ on it. The doorways led into rooms with a lot of odd objects with numers on them.

“I have to find him in the mall?”

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