
...Tyler Won

“Save me,” Brandon whispered to me from the corner of his mouth. I laughed and shook my head. As I had predicted all the girls had given up on me and decided just to go to the source. I turned myself back to my normal lunch group and laughed at Maria getting angry at Greg. I didn’t bother asking what he did: what didn’t he do?

Brandon managed to get rid of all his adoring fans and went back to the conversation. We were talking about kids and Brandon began to loudly tell a story about me while I tried to disapear. After he was finished and everyone had a good laugh at my expense I got a little surprise.

“I remember in school once when Sarah…” I didn’t hear the rest of the story as I stared at the source. It was a friend, sort of, of mine, Tyler. I had a little crush on him and I wasn’t sure if it had disapeared with the appearance of Brandon. He hadn’t really talked to me before, though.

For the rest of lunch those two battled each other with stories of me. It all came down to who knew me more…

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