
Found you broken

I found you. But you had changed.

You were with him, in the cold dark. You had no more light. He knew what he had done, and he did not care, for he desired your body alone.

I found you broken, shattered. Used up and lifeless in the dark yet still breathing. Turning to me with your sightless eyes, you sparked. Just a little. It was there. You exhaled, and with it carried a name and a vow of undying love to my ears.

My name.

It’s been five years since I started looking. I kept my promise. I found you.

Too late.

I can never take back the time he stole. I can never give you the love you could… no, should have had. I can only give you one thing.

Another promise.

The promise that there will be no more. No more pain, no more suffering. You will be the last to suffer at his hands.

Perhaps it is a fool’s dream. Perhaps it is impossible. Even so, I will try.

For isn’t that what love makes us all? Fools, utter fools, able to do the impossible, all for it’s sake?

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