Heehee, okay, I entered. It’s not so much a cliche as an old Southern saying I’ve heard a bunch when I was down in Mississippi.LoA
I actually own a cliche-ictionary (it’s like a dictionary for cliches), but it doesn’t go into so much detail. I think I might use it as a jumping off point, though..Congrats on turning 10! I haven’t read any of them, but I will try..:) Alexa
OK, entered. Hope you like it! =)LoA
Heyy! I eneterred! If anyone thinks I went wayyy over board on the dialect, I wrote a dialect-free version as the sequel. hope you like!
Haha, okay… I did this. Result of my brain-deadness. LoA
Haha, okay… I did this. Result of my brain-deadness.
Glad you liked it, haha. Thanks for reading. I had fun with it.LoA
THX 0477
Alexa ♥
♠Ana Cristina♥
Yeah Write!