
Cursed Ring: A Valentine's Day Story

The year 1983, Marc, a mortal, gave an engagement ring to Kathi, a witch. A real spell casting witch.
Marc having cold feet and second thoughts called off the engagement to his fiancee.
Throwing the diamond ring at Marc, she uttered a series of curses. Not the four letter word variety, but of the “You will be forever doomed to a loveless life, and all future wearers of the ring and their childrens’ children into eternity”, kind of curse.
Marc sold the ring to his friend Charlie. Whose engagement to the lovely Destiny, proved, to not be destined.
The cursed ring wound up in a pawn shop. Chad purchased it for his bride to be, Charity. She being ironically uncharitable, thought the ring cheap and refused his proposal.
Chad threw the ring in a dumpster. Moments later, Ray, a trash man, retrieved the ring, went home that night and asked his girlfriend to marry him. She told him she was in love with his brother David.
Ray gave the found ring to David, who asked Gina for her hand in marriage, only to be told no.

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