Ice Train (My Original)
I sat on cold hard seats with ripped leather. My legs were frozen stiff, my fingers were locked tight with numbness, like an ice berg that hadn’t yet snapped. He sat next to me looking in the other direction with out moving a muscle. It was like his whole body had locked tight, no one was going to interfere. I turned in the opposite direction and stared out the frosty window, which has small tear drops of water slipping off the glass. The out side world was a blur of darkness and that odd dash of light would zoom past, but only last for a second, then disappear. Then it all turned to a blur of blackness, just like it had been before. The train was going fast through the dark, long, tunnel. I was used to this darkness, I was used to these frosty drops of coldness, hitting my skin and sending a shiver up my whole body. I felt like this tunnel was where I’d be all my life, and I would only rarely see a flash of light, of something good. The voices of the other people on the train, swished through the air….