Jelly Doughnut
“I am a jelly doughnut. Error: press more for additional information.” the robot responded, it’s six eyes flashing a steady amber.
Bruno laughed. “Pretty cool!”
Bruno pressed the more button and the robot began to speak. “Ich bin ein berliner is the sentence spoken by John F. Kennedy to the citizens of Berlin, Germany in 1963. The meaning of the word ‘Berliner’ is both ‘pastry’ and a person from Berlin. While understood in the context of his speech, gramatically President Kennedy referred to himself as a jelly doughnut. The indefinite article ‘ein’ should not be used when describing one’s nationality or profession.”
“Hey, that’s right! What do you think about that, Isabella? Sehr gut, ja?”
“O.K., I guess,” she said. “Does it do anything else? Sing or dance or anything?”
“I don’t know, but I think it can dance. Hey, Isabella, you hungry? I was wondering if I could buy you lunch. You know – if it’s fine with you, Mr. Goetz.”
“Sure, Isabella. You’ve been in the telepresence room all day. You should go.”