
Valentine's Day Agreement?

“Damn, Denise!” said Trevor.
“Yes?!” said Denise.
“We made an agreement?”
“You made an agreement, I never agreed!”
“This is dirrty!”
“You broke the tradition and you think because you made a decision then I have to pause my life to accommodate your life, well I got a saying for you. HELL TO THA NAW !”

Trevor mouth dropped when she said those words to him.

“This guy has been so sweet to me, and I wont disrespected him any longer, so excuse me, my date and I would like to have dinner without you staring at us. So I bid you a good day.”

Denise swung her dress and walked over to her date’s table.
Trevor sat at the table and watched Denise’s every move.

She didn’t mean to be rude to Trevor, but a guy ask her out before Trevor did. When her date would start talking, Denise’s daydreamed about Trevor being her man again, but she didn’t look at him the same anymore; She thought back to New Years Day after they talked, she saw him have sex with that girl, and that pained her too much. He isnt the same anymore.

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