
Confrontations With Detective Pablo

Detective Pablo, if he even could be considered a real detective, his credentials had never been discussed, had barely made it down the hall before he stormed back, not even noticing the man hovering outside the door, and thrust his way into Izzy’s flat, bursting the door open.

“Bella!” He shouted, pulling out a small pistol, and grabbing Izzy from behind and holding the metal tip to her neck.

“Tell me where Marco is, tell me!” He screamed at her. Izzy held her composure, it was not in her nature to panic in these sorts of situations, she was a bold woman, and knew how to play her cards.

“I told you Pablo, your Bella doesn’t know of such Marco,” she purred, her lips grazing the rugged outline of his chin.

“Liar!” He shouted, turning her around and slapping her hard across the face, Izzy let out a small shriek of astonishment, and Detective Pablo thrust her to the ground, her body crumpled to the floor. Detective Pablo aimed the gun at Izzy, but before he could fire, he was knocked out from behind.

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