
Damn Consequences

There’s this song that I really like, and there’s a line that I think is so cool.
Smile like you don’t give a damn about the consequence,
just say anything…

I love that, I mean it’s so true. Sometimes you have to live life and just forget the friggin’ consequences, or else you’re not risking shit. I know this is a stupid ficlet but, I mean c’mon, I felt like I needed to write about that line.
It basically tells you to live in the moment, don’t worry about the future because you’re living in the Now.
Isn’t that just amazing?
The Now, the littlest desicion could change your life. If you don’t do something, you might not meet that person who could have possibly been your best friend, or that lesson you would have learned if only you did this.
Screw the consequences, take risks, without them, life would be pretty damn boring!

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