Evacuation (part 2)
We have to evacuate.”
“Dad where are we going?”
“I don’t know son, we have to follow the emergency evacuation instructions.”
Danny grabbed what was most important to him clopper his frog, his baseball mitt, and some jeans and t-shirts. Dannys mother started to cry as she put all she could in the car.
” Mom it’s going to be ok, you’ll see.”
Dannys dad, started to board up the house and nail the windows shut before they left.
The sky was getting darker and there was no stars out and the moon could not be seen.
They started out down the street, there was car’s every where.
Danny kept looking up at the sky, for a split second he thought he saw flashes of light jetting across the sky.
He soon put it out of mind, as he heard his dad blowing his horn at the car up a head of them.
“Dad whats wrong?”
“I don’t know this guy is all over the road.”
Dannys dad passed him and as he look over at the driver side of the car there was something in the front seat of the other car….....