
Bertha's Revelation

“Are you all right, Bertha?” I’d never seen her in such a state.

She took a handkerchief out of her bodice and wiped her face, blowing her nose gustily.

“Oh, aye, Casey. I’m right as rain, never you fear.”

I stood companionably with her for a few minutes, watching as the sun set in the horizon. From time to time, Bertha would let out a sorrowful sigh. I remained quiet, leaving her to her thoughts. She was probably worried about Violet, I reasoned. I couldn’t blame her. I could only blame myself. It was all my fault. If only I had shot that damn-

“Casey, there’s something you should know.” Bertha’s words jolted me out of my reverie.

“Yes, Bertha?”

She looked directly into my eyes and said, “Your father didn’t want you to know this, but John Pete is his brother. He was also my lover, for a time. I was the one who told him about the sunken galleon and how Violet had come upon a map to help us find it. I never expected him to betray us so – to betray me so. So you see, this mess is all my doing.”

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