
To Jacobs House

Jacob is great. Always helping me and he seems to just always know. Do you think…nah. He is just me friend. We got into Jacobs car, I ride shotgun and Owen and Hannah sit in the back. I glare at them randomly to make sure there not all over each other. They seem to giggling a lot though. Jacob bounces me back, “So where are you going to stay?” I forgot about that. My parent’s house was out of the question. I am not one of those people that come crying back to my parents.”What about your house?” I asked him. He did not live at home he got his own house right in the neighborhood. “Sure, you can crash there.” What a nice guy. “Thank you so much.” I smiled. He whispered, “You could always stay at OOwweennsss.”
“Shut up” I laughed
“You know you could”
“No I really couldn’t. I would rather stay with you”
“OK, sure”
“Stop joking around” I laughed again
He always knows when to joke around.

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