
5 Things Every Girl Needs To Know About A Guy

1.Just because he oogles every woman that walks by him, doesn’t mean he wants to run off and marry her, and leave you, or that he doesn’t love you.

2. His eyes glaze over and he hears nothing when you say, “we need to talk”, especially when you say that during the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, NBA Championship or any game of golf that’s on televison.

3.If you make more money than him, he feels inferior, even if by your salary, you can afoord to go to great vacation spots across the globe.

4. The ‘honey do list’ that he complains about, he really doesn’t mind fixing things, he’s a guy, he likes to feel accomplished, and what guy goesn’t like a hammer?.

5.Just because he likes your mother, doesn’t mean he wants you to become her in twenty five years.

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