
Hope is all I Got

I stopped dead. No. I closed my eyes and reopened hoping it would go away. Nope. I should have told you I liked you. I should have done something. Maybe if I did then you would be with me instead of her. “Hey, is something wrong?” He has no idea. I hide my emotions very well, “Nope, I am good.” As a walk away. I can’t believe it. A tear stops to fall. I quickly wipe it away. He can’t see. I am strong. I shield everyone from my feelings from everyone. I am falling apart inside. I wish some one was me. I she was my friend. I have to pretend like nothing is wrong. I will stick around in case he needs me. When he does I will be there in open arms and then he will realize. Maybe, just maybe. I can hope right? That is all I have now is hope.

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