
The Nobody and the Prince

“Sioni? What an unusual name.”

“Yeah, my dad’s really into architecture. Apparently, there’s a cathedral somewhere in Eastern Europe with that name. Anyways, what’s your name?”

“I am Prince Alfred III .” He bowed gracefully, as though I were the royal one, not he. I couldn’t help noticing what broad shoulders he had.

“Nice to meet you, Prince Alfred III .”

“Please, call me Alfred.” He smiled and I smiled right back at him before I realized what I was doing. What a ninny! Just because you’ve never talked to guys before doesn’t mean you should be acting like a fool, I scolded myself.

My internal monologue was interrupted as Alfred began telling me about his castle, his 232 horses, his suit of armor, and his recent travels to Portugal and Spain. Despite myself, I was interested in what he had to say. He was so different from me, and I don’t just mean because he’s a prince and I’m nobody. He was free, he could ride his horse anywhere he liked. He could go anywhere. Whereas I’ve never even been on a horse.

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