
Destination Tennessee

He turned around and reached over the seat. The plexiglass was gone, “Thought I’d get rid of that annoying glass.” He grinned and stuck out a calloused hand. “Name’s Tracker.” I reached to shake it and he dropped three blue pills into mine. “You can thank me later,” then he nodded toward a bottle of water.

I sat up as best I could. At least he’d removed the plexiglass. He smiled a snaggle toothed grin. Hm. Not as much competition as I’d thought. I’m going to like this guy. I swallowed the pills and took in a deep breath trying to clear the ringing in my ears. I cleared my throat, “How long have I been out?”

“Twelve and half hours,” the girl said flatly. Tracker rolled his eyes at her and then laughed shortly. “She picked me up about eight ago, Dude. She’s only been up about an hour. Don’t let her fool you.”

“So where’re we going?” Never hurt to ask. Tracker grinned what was becoming his trademark. “Oh, you are going to love this. Tennessee. Resistance Central.”

I know my eyes bugged out.

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