“Oh, okay,” he said, a little grimace of a smile peeking out.
“Yeah,” I said, taking the initiative to make at least one friend, I wasn’t going to be stuck without a partner in crime, “Maybe we can hang out, or whatever people here do…something deck.”
“Yeah…wait, deck?” He said, looking clueless.
“Nevermind,” I said with a frown, “I should go unpack before Betty starts rummaging through my crap telling me I should wear more purple…”
“Right,” he said, nodding. I walked down the driveway, slinking my way home. I turned back to yell at him.
“Monday morning sharp!” He gave me an enthusiatic thumbs up and stood there watching me go.
“And Luke?” I called, “Use the force!” He smiled broadly before running full speed to the door and slamming it behind him. I crossed the street and hesistated before heading into the house. It smelled like cookies, pine-sol, and potpurri, I gagged.