
A Letter to Scotty

Dear Scotty,

The lake up here is so secluded! I’m watching the sun set behind the tall pines. I feel like I’m in a fort and the pointy pines are pikes set around the camp to protect me. I feel safe here.

The murky water is very different from the ocean. It is never blue, never salty, and you are always within sight of land. Remember when the pool got all green, and when you got in, the green swirled around making it impossible to see your knees? That’s what swimming in a lake is like. And there’s no tides to pull on you, like in the ocean.

I went fishing today. The wind was blowing enough to make little waves run across the lake. I loved watching the boat cut a path across the hilly surface, leaving a “v” shaped channel behind.

I caught the first fish today! But it was too small, so I threw it back. I sat and thought for a long time. I thought about you. Never seeing this. I wish you were here to experience it all with me. But I know I’ll see you soon.
I’m bringing you something!
~A. S.

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