
The Chase

Brandy ran as fast as she could, the only light was the moon that lay above the midnight sky. The narrow path between the trees seemed to be slowly crushing her as it kept getting narrower. All she could see was trees. She ran.
Then she tripped. Breathing and crying heavily, she got back up and started running again. Where was she running to? She didn’t care. What was she running from? She wasn’t exactly sure. She tripped again. She cried, exhausted, she forced herself backup kicking at the tree roots. She felt it getting faster behind her, it seemed to be gaining energy as she lost it. She doesn’t remember what happened before, but she knew it was evil and he wasn’t trying to get her so they could have tea. Everything was a blur, it happened so fast. She ran like there was no tomorrow. She hoped there was a tomorrow. Then, suddenly, she tripped. Her head hit a tree, and slowly, she blacked out.

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