
Jesus was a Jew

Zoe was at a Christian camp. It was very high class, yet big on religion. That was fine for Zoe, who was to attend a catholic school the following year. Camp had religious skits everyday. One skit was about 4 men who stole the camp owners car to go to a concert. they stole his cds to play in the car as well. One of the four men didn’t want to do either of these things. The car crash, and all four men died. 3 of the four men went to heaven, but not the man who opposed doing the bad things. He wasn’t accepted because he didn’t solemnly speak and believe Jesus was a part of God sent down as a sacrifice for us. At camp They were taught to believe that was the only way to get into heaven. In the skit, the man had never really thought about it. if that was true God would be mean, and Zoe didn’t believe that at all. She loved God, and knew he loved all of his creation. She had also learned at that camp, they didn’t believe Jews went to Heaven. Zoe found that preposterous. Jesus was a Jew.

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