

Katrina, a beautiful yet small quiet and well studious girl held all of her heavy books as she struggled to social studies. two older guys walked passed her in the hall. She had never done any harm to them, as well as anybody. She tried to be nice. she was a shy girl, labeled a nerd, but without a nerdy clique. just herself and her studies. one of the guys whom she didn’t even know tripped her. She came down and piled herself on top of her books, glasses falling off. One of the guys neared to stepping on them, until they ran off after the bell rung. Katrina quietly gathered her books and scattered off to class. Later at lunch, the guy she had been victimized to earlier, boyfriend of ever so popular Ellen, was heard screaming until the police showed up and took him off. Ellen’s face had a fork scratch and was hiding in the bathroom, sobbing after a painful breakup. Katrina knocked on the bathroom door. Ellen quietly opened it, and Katrina gave her a hug.

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