
kate's reaction

Her stomach turned as she shook her head at the phone.

“Kate? Are… are you there?” Selma stammered through the tears.

She realized Selma couldn’t see her shaking her head. She told her sister how sorry she was and that she would be home as soon as possible. Hanging up the phone wrenched her gut even further.

Both sisters sat on their beds, 3000 miles apart. Crying.

As she picked up the phone to arrange her flight home, her mom’s voice popped into her head, “I don’t care what she said. She’s the only sister you’ll ever have. You do love her!”

Shaking her head, this time to clear it, she dialed the number for the airline. “You’re right mom, she is my only sister. I’ll take care of her.” she whispered as the airline’s customer service agent announced herself on the line.

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