
Nightwalker Offering

Nightwalkers bounced up and down with each bite much like bobbers. A low chanting “Burrgarz” began to well up from what was left of their vocal cords.

Bringz me zee heartz and brainz! she commanded through the hive mind.

The Tyson drone stopped his feeding frenzy and removed the requested delicacies and placed them on what was left of her clothing.

A Nightwalker emerged from the bobble headed mass toward Tyson. As he approached, the blood drenched Tyson lifted the delicacies over his head like a sacrificial offering.

“Burrgarz. Burrgarz. Burrgarz.” the drones intoned.

“She will be pleased.” said drone leader 88 as he received the gifts. With great restraint he carried them to his Queen. Oh how he wanted to eat these savory morsels.

He stopped and sniffed the air. He looked toward the tree a human was there. As one the Nightwalkers stopped their inhuman chant and focused on the tree. “ BURRGARZ !

88 continued on while the Tyson drone ate and the swarm attacked.

Well done children.

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