
hard to place it in

I hesitantly finished my blog entry and walked outside for the freshness of the outdoors. I walked in the lawn and wondered back to the day I had entered the hospital.

I could feel the words, echoing, bouncing off the walls of the white, beeping, hospital waiting room.

A tear shed down my cheek and I hurriedly brushed it away, forcing myself to stay strong because that’s what she would have wanted for me.

Even as I graduated high school, valedictorian of the class, I could almost picture her warm smile with her honey-golden, shoulder-lenghth hair, just smiling in approval and awe.

Even the reception all of my other classmates were taking pictures, making promises that they would always keep, I knew that they would be ready to face the future, I wouldn’t be as prepared, I would have a piece of me seperated from the world I lived in.

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